When you’re alone in the dark
Maybe in bed or on a walk
Nothing is certain nothing is known
That creaking noise
That thing running off in the forest
You tell yourself
It’s only the wind,
It’s only a chipmunk,
Your imagination tells you different.
That creaking is a faceless demon
Crawling toward you
The scampering isn’t leaving,
But inching closer.
Your imagination tells you it’s a drooling clawed monster
You start to get scared,
Your heart starts beating faster and faster.
Your brain is telling you it’s fine calm down
Your imagination is stronger.
It’s fighting your brain
It’s making you believe in the monsters
That there is more out there
and what’s scarier, It’s winning
It will overpower your brain
And you will go insane
You can feel it happening the monsters are upon you now
Breathing down your neck
Gripping at your flesh ready to rip you apart…
But for now,
The sun will go up
And the darkness will scatter
And all those monsters won’t matter.