As we head back to school for the 2019-2020 school year we have lots of changes to announce. First, we graduated a great group of talented seniors who are out at college plying their creative energies at the next level. But not to worry, we have a wonderful group of new editors (and some returning!) who are ready to take the helm of the Blackbird Review and steer the ship to new and fantastic shores (I’m a sucker for a nautical metaphor). New editors include Lily Burke, no stranger to the site, and Ella Kelly, who is on for her second year. Maggie Thayer reprises her role as the podcast managing editor, and Noura AbdAllah takes over as podcast co-host and group treasurer. Our staff writers are all veterans of the magazine, too, so we are in capable hands.
Second, we have big plans for expanding our creative output this year. We plan to delve even deeper into the VHS art and music worlds, and expand our podcast offerings! Stay tuned for those changes; they’re coming soon.
But.most importantly, as we start the year, we need your best work. Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, music- we’ll take it all! So if you’re on the fence as to whether or not you should send your stuff in, all I can say is this: YES! Send it in! There’s nothing like seeing your work online!
Hope to see you in print.
Mr. Stumbaugh