The Stress of a Student in 2015

Late Sunday Nights
We stay up until 2 am to finish the AP whatever project
when we all know good and well teenagers need 8 hours of sleep
thinking to ourselves, why did I wait until Sunday?
Oh that’s right!
Contrary to teachers’ beliefs, we have social lives!
Is it wrong to want two nights for free time with your friends?
And don’t forget your job!
That cell phone bill isn’t going to pay itself!
There merely isn’t enough time
For Anything.
We can’t help but want it all,
Sleep, friends, good grades, a job, to succeed in your extracurriculars
And god forbid you’re religious!
Although it’s impossible to have it all,
We all give it a shot
Balancing time is not the problem,
So don’t sit there and tell me us we need to manage our time better.
There legitimately is not enough time in the day.
Even when we make sacrifices,
give up things we enjoy because hey,
we’re trying to go to college!
Let me tell you,
It’s not as easy as it used to be.
The pressure to be perfect,
The most well rounded student,
Is so immense it makes your brain want to explode.
So before you question what could possibly stress a teenager out,
Read this.

About Emma Collins 454 Articles

Emma Collins currently resides in Voorheesville New York, although she prays that changes. She lives with her two sisters and her mother. Emma enjoys writing things for BlackBird Review in order to receive extra credit in her English honors class because, let’s face it, she needs it.