Have you ever listened to a song?
And then,
when you listen to it again
it’s no longer yours?
It’s turned into something of theirs.
That person
who listened to it before.
That person you used to be.
When you discovered the song, you loved it.
Now it’s just theirs.
It belongs to
That person you used to be.
It no longer makes you smile or cry
It no longer invokes the feeling that the artist made you want to feel
You can only feel
That person you used to be.
It’s somehow a sort of grief or numbness
Like you lost someone you loved
But you are happier now, than you were as
That person you used to be.
It’s not just a song
They once heard on the radio.
It’s a part of them,
That person you used to be.
It’s this song
That song
That holds a memory so strong of
That person you used to be
You can feel it in your bones
Every time you listen
It reminds you of
That person you used to be
That person may be gone,
But because of this song,
You will always remember
That person you used to be.
So now I ask you:
Have you ever listened to a song?
And then, when you listen to it again
It is no longer yours?
It’s turned into something of theirs.
That person
who listened to it before.
That person you used to be.