there’s a feeling you get at the top of a rollercoaster
stomach tangled in knots that would take forever to undo
and before you can even register what’s about to happen
you’re falling
gravity takes hold and you’re plummeting towards the ground below
and as you free fall the knots slowly come undone
and then it’s over
the rides comes to a stp and your feet are on solid ground
that’s when the adrenaline sets in
the heart pounding
hands shaking
sort of feeling
unsteady yet perfectly grounded
falling for you was no different
strapped into a ride with no clear outcome
free falling towards uncertainty
but instead of an underpaid worker waiting to strap me in
it’s you
the adrenaline rush is paired with butterflies
solid ground becomes your hands on my waist
the desire to ride again and again sets in
to know that everyday i will be given the change to fall for you
is more than enough to pay the fee of inevitable heartbreak to ride