Month: March 2016

Emma Cunningham Photography
Swimming the north shore of Hawaii, 3 mermaids play in the waves.

Real Teachers Use Red Ink: The Blackbird Review Interview with April Levy
Mrs. April Levy, an English and Spanish teacher at Voorheesville High School, is one of the most interesting and insightful people I have ever had […]

The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch- Review
As part of our ongoing collaboration with the Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza, our writers have accepted the challenge of reading and reviewing pre-publication review copies […]

Contest Deadline Extended!
The deadline for the 2016 Voorheesville Short Story Contest has been extended to midnight, Monday, March 21. Submission guidelines and contest details can be found […]

Sojourner Truth
She had teeth sharpened to points— crafted to rip the heart out of racism and to slit the throat of misogyny. She carried a […]