180 seconds
I’ve always loved rain;
distorting the colors of traffic lights and impatient cars that exceed the limits.
“Yesterday” is drowned out by the
erratic melody of drip drops on the glass,
a broken metronome.
144 seconds
Smiling at me in the rear-view,
Gramps sends an amenity to the back seat.
His hand grabs mine and squeezes.
He had taught me how to drive the standard.
131 seconds
Eyes close.
Heart Beats.
The engine revs and we pull forward.
Life goes on…
100 seconds
Harvey sits beside my grandfather,
the radio now silenced.
Tire treads trek through the gale of inevitable,
fleeing the thing we all are living for.
60 seconds
A tear,
a thunderstorm of emotions station themselves
close to shore.
I’m not afraid.
25 seconds
Close to home.
The grocery list of ‘to dos’ is never ending.
I haven’t finished chapter 7,
and I never will.
11 seconds
My friends,
what will they do?
My mom, my sister…
My father,
what will he think?
He’ll blame it on himself,
no doubt.
5 seconds
I’ve loved them all.
It kills me that I can’t control
what’s coming
2 seconds
I wish-