That Drive Home

Image by Madison Smith.

On my drive home, I stopped at the red light but when I looked over I saw this girl. I noticed her in particular because she looked so strong and brave but I knew she was truly hurting and tired. I know that she was hurt because I used to be her. I used to be the one that would never show emotion even to the people I loved the most. I used to be the person who would say I was going on a walk to just sit outside and cry for a while. I used to be the girl that would laugh when she really wanted to cry. I still think I am that girl in ways because it hasn’t gotten better because I haven’t been able to speak up yet. I can’t because I’ve made everyone think I’m okay. I’m really not. So yeah, I know how that girl felt as she walked on. 

About Madison Smith 468 Articles

Madison Smith is a freshman at Clayton A. Bouton High School.