
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash
It’s blue, sometimes, when the time is right.

But it’s best when it’s a gradient of a rainbow,

When day turns to night.

I love when it tends to glow

Acts like waves with dots of light.

Most people think of it as blue or white,

Not the endless stream of colors it can display.

Some only notice when it’s not right,

Like when it pours, or when the clouds stay.

I wonder what it’s like to view it in terms of why.

Dividing it into sections to study,

Knowing it’s make up, like a recipe of pie.

To look up and wonder with a buddy,

Why oh why is the sky?

It has been discussed over centuries,

Existing in the greatest of memories.

An endless world of possibilities,

It seems it's on to infinity,

The awe of something up so high

The endless wonder of the sky
About Brianna Hillmann 468 Articles

Brianna Hillmann is a senior at Clayton A. Bouton High School.