down the street, to the house, around the loop, and back again.
the monotony soothes
the tediousness batters
yet i continue the dance
down the street lined with fall leaves
they wave hello and wither goodbye
sailing onto pumpkins ridded with rot
waiting to be swept away on a sunday morn
to the house where the snow piles high
blanketed with the dark fog of eve
the wind unsheathes its iron claws
and mercilessly tears into skin
around the loop dandelions sprout
vibrant against the regrowing grass
the choir of blue jays join the dripping snow
and the steady crunch of pine cones
back again through dancing trees
the rainbow of green bathed in spotlight
with forests of meadow bright and freshly mown
and pristine flowers of violet and gold
down the street, to the house, around the loop, and back again.
each day i make the trip
and notice how the world shifts