The fourth annual Voorheesville Short Story Contest has been announced. Students from Clayton A. Bouton High School in grades eleven and twelve are invited to submit a short story of 5,000 words or less that somehow captures the theme of “The Journey.” The deadline for submissions is April 15, with winners being announced sometime in late May or early June. Judging consists of two rounds, the first conducted by a panel consisting of faculty and staff from the middle and high schools, the second by a panel of MFA students from a local college (the past three years the judges have come from the College of Saint Rose). Both sets of judging panels view the stories as anonymous entries. The top ten stories receive detailed critiques from the MFA candidates, with the top five winning cash prizes (first place wins $500, second place wins $300, third place wins $100, and two runners up win $50 each).
The contest, funded by a local benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous, started in 2015, and is administered by English Department Chairperson Brian Stumbaugh. Winning stories, along with cash prizes, are published both online and in the print version of The Blackbird Review.
Details can be found on our Contest page.