I get too nervous around you.
The foot tapping
Palms sweating kind.
I can’t think when you’re in the same room
It feels like you’re breathing in all the oxygen,
Like I’m drowning in your presence
Though everyone else seems fine.
Are you even drowning if no one knows?
I get too nervous around you.
My hands shake so bad I shove them in my pockets
Only to pull them out in hopes you’ll try to hold my hand.
Please hold my hand
I really want you to hold my hand.
I get too nervous around you.
My palms get sweaty.
I want to wipe them on my pants
But I don’t
I don’t want you to think I have sweaty palms
I don’t want you to think I’m nervous
I don’t want you to think you make me nervous.
I get too nervous around you.
I stare.
My grades are dropping because I spend too much time staring
At the back of your head.
I think you know I stare
Sometimes I think I catch you staring back.
I get too nervous around you.
I blush too much.
I blush at the mention of your name
Giving me away quickly.
I blush when we make eye contact.
You have gorgeous eyes
I get too nervous around you
My voice shakes and I run out of breath to quick.
I swear you steal all the oxygen.
I’d say I want it back but I can’t talk without it
And I know I’d just say something stupid anyways.
I get too nervous around you.
My words shake and I stutter
My native language leaves
And I’m left with girly giggles
That are too loud and sound too forced.
I get too nervous around you.
I wonder if you get nervous around me too.