When you hear the word “musician”, or “artist”, you usually picture your favorite singer or band member, probably in their 20s or 30s, maybe older. But Sydney Worthley is a serious musician — and she’s only a sophomore in high school. She’s already been playing and performing music for six years, since she was nine years old, but she’s wanted to perform since she was six, when her parents got her a guitar. She has previously taken lessons for guitar, but now takes vocal lessons, and recently taught herself to play piano.
If it’s a really crappy day, I just go home and I write a ton.
When asked what genre her music is, she explained that it’s difficult to describe. She said it used to be singer/songwriter, but is now considered pop/rock, as well as folk and country for a few of her songs. Sydney recently played at Infinity Hall in Connecticut, but her favorite place to perform is in Saratoga, because the people there really appreciate music.
She said that what inspires her to write songs are just things that happen in her daily life: “If it’s a really crappy day, I just go home and I write a ton.” She told us that she wants to write music about “the things that people can relate to”. For example, she’s written a few songs about her friendships, and about losing friends and having to let go and move on from them. She also likes to write about her favorite books and tv shows, which we found interesting.

When we asked her how she makes time for school, writing, and practicing, she jokingly said, “I have no clue.” But she did say that she is very grateful for her study hall this year so she can get a lot of her homework done during school. Another hobby she has is playing softball, which she does through both the school and a travel team. Wow, this girl is busy!
Whatever inspires you, just write about it
Sydney’s biggest supporter is one of her close friends: “My friend Marissa is a great supporter. She really knows how to keep me humble but at the same time can get me really excited about things.” Her parents are also huge supporters of her music, and make time for her passions. We also asked what she sees for herself in the future, and she said that she doesn’t like to get her hopes up, but she’d like to get as far as she can, “just seeing where it takes me.”
And finally, her advice for other young musicians trying to get started: “Don’t let your age let people bring you down.” She said that people will tell you you’re good for your age, but you will want to be the best, so just keep going, and “whatever inspires you, just write about it.”