I am a worlds-traveler
Travelling from not Europe to Africa to Australia
But from Erilea to Wendlyn to Primoria
I am a worlds-traveler
My transports not airlines nor cars nor boats coming ashore
But rather the library and the local book store
I am a worlds-traveler
Experiencing sensations not through senses between myself and my surroundings
But through words and tone and imaginings
I am a worlds-traveler
Not meeting my role-models and idols and heroes
But rather crawling inside their heads to live as one with them as my admiration grows
I am a worlds-traveler
Guided not by maps and roads and pre-taken paths
But rather by writers who bind their imagination to paper through words and ink baths
I am a worlds-traveler
Some may say I don’t travel or explore beyond the confines of my room
But little do they know I travel farther and wider than any explorer on even the moon
I am a worlds-traveler