I’m glad to know you can fix all my problems,
Because you always have.
(You were the cause and end of them all though.)
As soon as you intervened, everything went back to normal,
That’s how it always went—
Even if the road to get there was bumpy.
I was on my own for awhile,
In the middle of the ocean,
stuck on an island;
Forced against my will, I couldn’t leave.
Then you came
And helped me back—
Back to dry land,
Where it was safe, and I could rest.
But I had returned to learn it was a lie:
New men were in my place.
They never won her heart, no—
But they might as well have won my palace.
I took it back, though (like I’d let them take that away!).
Now they’re all dead,
But others are ready to fight because of that.
I would have fought, but you came and intervened again,
Calling for peace.
Now everything is perfect,
Just the way you wanted it.
And I obey. But I’m disheartened—
Because it always had to be on your terms,
Not mine.